Friday, September 18, 2015


The goal of this blog is to share the full experience of getting an offer at Google.

Current State:
1. Having a contact with recruiter there, might start interviewing by November.
2. Did an internship at Facebook last summer.
3. Failing a couple of coding tests although being an ACM ICPC World Finalist (will address these failures in separate posts).
4. Failing a screening interview, although doing an internship at Facebook (will address this in a separate post).
5. Can not pass screening process of lots companies although doing an internship at Facebook, and winning the champion of Africa and Middle East in the last ACM ICPC World Finals (will address this in a separate post).
6. Joining the open source community but not committing as expected (will address this in a separate post).
7. Last year masters student.

Problems I should work on:
1. Communication
2. Saying unnecessary shit during the interview
3. Having no social life (Is this related?)
4. Not Following interviewing guidelines, especially in design questions.
5. Develop something people actually use to increase my self-confidence, something for the public not for a company (related to open-source).

This blog will be a timeline of all the effort I make facing my current problems, and trying to fix them until I can get that Google offer.

Note: I will do my best to keep this blog organized and to the point (not guaranteed).

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