Monday, October 12, 2015 Technical Interview Preparation

  • parsing xml using function 
  • find the smallest common element in two arrays 
  • Tokenize a string of words and print the top 10 most frequent terms

  • Given a list of words, group them by anagrams of each other. 
  • Given 2 arrays find common elements
  • Sort a big file
  • Recommendation process
  • .a. Given an unlimited stream of characters, that can only be read one character at a time, using a specific function (e.g. getChar()), and a list of patterns (e.g. "cat", "dog", "man"), write an algorithm to find all the occurrences of the patterns in the stream.
  • .b. Perform a "test run" of the algorithm in order to assess strong points, weak points and, eventually bugs. 
  • .c. Give an estimate of the temporal complexity of the proposed algorithm (e.g. O(x))  
  • Solve as much as possible at

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