Tuesday, November 22, 2016

ATLC Interview

Algorithms: Cracking the Coding Interview
System Design: https://www.hiredintech.com/system-design/ 
Class Design: http://www.hiringlibrary.com/object-oriented-design-interview-for-parking-lot-or-elevator/ 
OOP: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/22769/Introduction-to-Object-Oriented-Programming-Concep

  1. Array of length n, its elements are x-powers of the range (1 to n+1). There is one repeated element, find it.- The interviewer helps you till you reach the final solution, but he keeps asking about time and space complexity of each move you do. He may ask you to implement system functions like pow, sqrt and so on..
  2. Can static functions work on non-static members?
  3. Design a logger class?
  4. What's n-tier applications?  
  5. find first common ancestor in a tree  
  6. optimized sum of array elements divisible by x  
  7. Design chess engine system (no much coding in this one just drawing and design decisions of the system)  
  8. Given an unsorted array of integers in O(n) time complexity. find the first unrepeated element in that array. For example: A = [1 2 3 3 2 1 4 5 6] the answer is 4.  
  9. Given an unsorted array of strings. Count the number of repetitions of each string in that array.  
  10. Given an array of integers. find the element which the sum of elements on its left equals to the sum of elements on its right  
  11. delete an element from a linked list
  12. how to sort 2 different arrays ,and save the result in the second array, if the first contains n elements, and the second contains m elements, and the second is alocated a length of m+n.
  13. if you have a linked list ordered like : n1-n2-n3-n4-n5-n6-n7-NULL. how to sort it to be at the order : n2-n1-n4-n3-n6-n5-n7-NULL 

C++ semaphore https://gist.github.com/lettergram/431198ac7bd9453b98ec

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Getting Back to Work

Since it has been a while since I worked on anything, I will fix this by working everyday for a small amount of time, and keep incrementing that until 8 hours/day.

1 hour/day (not yet started - in progress - finished on )
2 hours/day (not yet started - in progress - finished on )
3 hours/day (not yet started - in progress - finished on )
4 hours/day (not yet started - in progress - finished on )
5 hours/day (not yet started - in progress - finished on )
6 hours/day (not yet started - in progress - finished on )
7 hours/day (not yet started - in progress - finished on )
8 hours/day (not yet started - in progress - finished on )

Design Interview at Google. ARGHHHHHHHHHH.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Final List (review in the 2 days before the interview)

Data Structures:
Smart Pointers
Linked List
Doubly Linked List
Hash Table
Binary Tree
Red-Black Tree
B Tree
Priority Queue
Skip List
Bloom Filter
Splay Tree
Suffix Tree
Given a binary tree, make it behave as a list.

General (Design):
Search Suggestion of Google Search Engine