Monday, December 14, 2015

The Revolution is the Wire

elthawrah heyah el estemraryah, where everyone who believes in it excels in what he does best. I am talking here about cs people and how they can make the revolution work. Movie makers how can they help it, photographers. Everyone.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Google Interview Preperation

All interviews:
1. yet3araf 3alik, w ye2om raza3lak el process
2. 1st phone interview.
3. 2nd phone interview.
4. el onsite, 5 interviews, 4 ds/algos + 1 sys. design.

aboelkheir problems:
1. el corner cases by2fesho 3aliha.
--- test your code with some testcases
--- how to handle corner cases in an effecient way.
--- use datastructures that make things easier e.g. vectors instead of arrays.
--- think of empty arrays, empty strings, size of input, overflows.
--- codility and leetcode pay great attention to corner cases.
--- adhocs usually has lots of corner cases
--- recrusive style problems like segment trees, BST ... etc
2. getting the path in dp using recursion is not a good idea.
--- solve dp problems about getting the path using iteration.
3. mutation on the trees, insert in a weird location, all ways of traversing trees, balanced binary search trees.
--- implement binary search tree, (red-black tree, splay tree).
--- impelement iterators
--- implement caching
--- make a binary act as a list.
4. getting a good time sleep before the interview, because it is really long.
--- nam koayes w matfsha5sh nafsak elyoum elly 2ablo.
5. system design, be aware of response time, data structures, scalability, how to retrieve info in a db, and how to update the info.
--- read about google file system
--- read about hadoop
--- read about mapreduce
--- read about big tables
--- read about google log system
6. probability preperation - reservoir sampling
--- solve probability problems on topcoder/cf...etc

1. Attitude
2. they rely on the interviewers feedback heavily, try to impress all of them.
3. code on the computer in the interview room (in the onsite).
4. take snacks with you to the interview to eat and be energetic.
5. 5alik baya3ha

usually tell me about a difficult-situation questions should be answered by how you behaved in order to show how you acted before in such situations.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Microsoft In-Person Interview Preparation

  • Understand every aspect in your resume so well
  • for interview questions
  • for mock interviews
  • Solve lots of programming problems that are more like brain teasers (I don't know if such thing exists, but they ask questions of this type)
  • Prepare answers for questions like:
    • Why work for Microsoft?
    • What is your preferred role?
    • Where is your preferred location?